Thursday, April 1, 2010

Note from my Web Master Sponsor

Okay your other blog roll is up and running and I will have those pages up tonight.
That is so cool about the Motormaids thing, very happy for you.
You are so very welcome about everything. It's funny because when got the job I worked my whole life for I made a pledge to always donate a little every year and share my good fortune. But I was let go almost a year ago now and have been struggling to stay a flout and have been thinking there must be something I can do to make a small difference in the world. So you gave me a little opportunity to pay it forward and I thank you. I am so glad that my talent help in such a worthy cause. 

Cancer in what ever form just awful. They discover one of my oldest friends had an aggressive form of cancer in her uterus and other areas but they were able to get it in time. And my Father, who was laid-off the same day I, was diagnosed with Leukemia just a couple years ago. So I look at life different then most folks and if I can help and make a change then why not do it?

Love ya back, 

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