Friday, April 2, 2010

Draggie writes to Radio Station in Victoria

Hi Tindy,

I am writing to you to let you know about a group of mainly women but some men that are on a mission to raise at least $15,000 for Breast Cancer.

For the past 2 years the ride has left Florida and wound its way across the states and back to Campbell River.  One rider rode the whole route both years.  The rest of the journey was similar to a relay race, where riders would join in where they could and ride as far as possible before the main rider was joined with new riders.  This had over 100 different riders involved over the 6000 mile journey.  Last year we successfully raised over $12,000 that was donated to Breast Cancer.  For all of those that have taken part over the past two years, expenses for the ride came out of their own pockets, and so far this will happen again.  We do so to help raise awareness and monies for a cause that is close to our hearts.  Many of the riders are survivors.  We have dubbed this ride THE CONGA.

This year the ride is going to be more of a reunion.  Instead of travelling from one corner of the continent to the other, it is planned to have all riders meet in Wyoming and spend a few days, then return.  The Conga has many lines leaving from many points this year.  The main group is leaving Campbell River Saturday July 3rd, with the final stop before the ferry being at Steve Drane Harley Davidson.  There are other lines forming from Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Idaho/Montana.

To date we have already raised over $5000 towards our totals.

Along with the ride, there is a Show and Shine organized for August 15th, with all proceeds that day going to Breast Cancer.  We will also have Tracy Ryan from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation BC/Yukon Region there to accept our donations.  We are also in the midst of organizing a poker run in the late spring, with the proceeds again going to our efforts.

I have attached a power point presentation to give you more information on what we have done in the past couple of years and how it all got started.  There is also a copy of the flyers that we have been circulating in regards to the ride and show.

My hope is that you will possibly have an interest in what we are doing and help out in some way.  There are many options that are possible, such as;
·         Sponsoring the ride, to help some of our Island riders pay for their expenses (ferry fares, gas, lodging and meals are all coming out of pocket)
·         Making a donation directly to our cause
·         Sponsoring a category for the Show n Shine ($50 per category for the awards, sponsors name will be on the awards)
·         Donating an item for auction or door prize

As well as the potential to have some media awareness via the station for either or both;
·         The ride itself when it gathers at Steve Drane Harley Davidson, before leaving the island
·         Advertising for the show n shine in August

With any of the larger sponsorships or donations, we would have you listed on our website as a sponsor.

For more information, you can go to the website at:
Follow the blog at:

The online donation site is:

We appreciate any help that you may be able to offer us.
Thanking you in advance;
Jenn Geeson

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