Omg!! We got on Brenda Fox's Facebook page, Please check it out!!! This is big time for the Conga, and big time for RLAP Please if you are reading this could you go to on FACEBOOK and make your comment about the Conga and RLAP. This could bring good things to the Conga and RLAP. Media, who know, maybe even some day Brenda would join the Conga and bring a line from California.. I know I am dreaming but that is what I do, and sometimes, dreams come true! Seriously, I am asking for your help. If we get media coverage, that means good things, more riders, more sponsors, more money to donate, to help kick Cancer to the Curb.
Who is Brenda Fox you say?? She is one hell of a woman!! Read below.. She not only is a hot biker chick, she too is fighting this horrific disease!

Come Conga with us...That irresistible rumble of the Conga is hard to ignore!! Go with the Flo
Join the Conga!! Ride pretty in pink have fun, and help with the cause, Kick it to the Kurb!
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