Sunday, February 28, 2010
Raised $441 today!
Today was an amazing day on Face book with fund raising. I decided to try something different seeings it was Sunday and the last day of the Olympics. I listed a bunch of items that people so generously have donated and we raise $441.00 I just ran the auction for a couple hours before the big hockey game started.
Another Island girl!!
This is pretty darn cool. I have been seeing this gal all over and what an inspiration she is, so I contacted her being she lives right here on the Island. She is amazing and just wanted to share her story as she said it was ok. She is hoping to do the Conga with us too.
Maritimebrew Canadasotherend February 27 at 6:38pm
First let me say..what you do is amazing...thank you for all your do for breast cancer...
When I returned from Afghainstan (military tour) in 2002,I was told I had breast cancer..but it was caught so very early,So I didnt loose my My sister also had breast cancer..both of us had it in our left breast....she lost 1/2 her left breast..we are both clear now...she is still in her 1st year of being clear...and you know the rule...5 years...she is a biker as well and lives in Athabasca Alb...
When I returned from Afghainstan (military tour) in 2002,I was told I had breast cancer..but it was caught so very early,So I didnt loose my My sister also had breast cancer..both of us had it in our left breast....she lost 1/2 her left breast..we are both clear now...she is still in her 1st year of being clear...and you know the rule...5 years...she is a biker as well and lives in Athabasca Alb...
We are nothing special...we just do our thing..I was in the military for 20 years..hard..had to leave my kids behind alot...I was up for retirement when I found out about the I desided to take teh 20 years out...get the pension...still cant believe im
The military paid for me to take an airbrushing course in the my new life began...hard to let go of my G.I.Jane
I love painting bikes...My best freind..Jewlz..the one that owns the R1 sport bike..Iv done her bike 3 times for her..she crashed it right infront of me last summer...christ..i thought she was dead when i seen her hit the pavement...
I have a few gals that are family to me,that all ride...Iv only just discovered teh sisterhood a few years ago...and omg...what a feeling of having girls around When for 20 yrs it was all men...
I love painting bikes...My best freind..Jewlz..the one that owns the R1 sport bike..Iv done her bike 3 times for her..she crashed it right infront of me last summer...christ..i thought she was dead when i seen her hit the pavement...
I have a few gals that are family to me,that all ride...Iv only just discovered teh sisterhood a few years ago...and omg...what a feeling of having girls around When for 20 yrs it was all men...
I live in victoria...but from PEI..but liked it here and desided to stay for now..
my airbrushing site is
my airbrushing site is
The shop I paint at is also a new shop...and he is also a cancer servivor and just retired from the military..he had prostate cancer..
and yes...I really want to be apart of the ride...if I am around...and my friend Kat and I want to ride to edmonton this with a backpack on my back on a ridgid...yip..should be
happy to have a new sister in my rock
Debbi: aka by everyone as (fergy)
The shop I paint at is also a new shop...and he is also a cancer servivor and just retired from the military..he had prostate cancer..
and yes...I really want to be apart of the ride...if I am around...and my friend Kat and I want to ride to edmonton this with a backpack on my back on a ridgid...yip..should be
happy to have a new sister in my rock
Debbi: aka by everyone as (fergy)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Behind the Scenes
I am just over whelmed the way things are going behind the scenes with the Conga III. I know I am missing out on posting stuff. I hate the thoughts of leaving any one out. Sometimes, I just shake my head in amazement, and say I will post tomorrow. I will remember.. I can't put off today, until, tomorrow, because I am old, and wont remember.
If I have hurt anyone in any way, or forgotten to post to let the world know how wonderful you all are, please know it was not intentional. Lazy or laxidasy maybe.I need help, not that I don't have help, it is coming in from every direction, but it is turning into a job, which I dont mind working, but ..I cut hair...I don't run website and such, promote, or know how to get the word out.. This Conga is growing, and I am not sure how to handle it,..There has got to be some Pro, out there, that knows what the hell they are doing. That being said, I even have a FB friend, that is going to help with that.
I have had to ask a friend to help me keep on top of the auctions even. Now people, God love them, I do, are going to send me stuff to auction off, for the cause.
Another wonderful friend, is ready to GET THE WORD OUT!!! Give me a story, pics, lets do it!!
Sheeees, now I have another project tomorrow. Good Gal Dang Thang, I have no clients, because there is work to be done, money to be raised..
WOMEN WHO RIDE ROCK!!thank you all ..all of you I can not mention one, because I might forget the other.. I LOVE YOU!
Chrome Angels!!! Down Texas way!!
July 4 - 10, 2010 - WWR CONGA III in support of Breast Cancer(The National Breast Cancer Foundation)-The Southern leg of the ride will be led by Cindy aka Texas Red. The ride will depart from Strokers on July 4th. Destination for all riders from all over the country and Canada is Cheyenne, WY
Chrome Angels!!! Down Texas way!!
Chrome Angels!!! Down Texas way!!
One of the gals, Cindy Alexander/Texasred down in Texas of course, is the organizer of the Conga in her area. She got together with the Chrome Angels to discuss the Conga and this is what she had to say!!!!
The Chrome Angels are the bomb!!!
They surprised me with a 50/50 drawing and in typical gracious Chrome Angel style, they handed me the whole pot. Their donation to the cause is $64 from the drawing, $6 out of a couple of pockets, and I sold keychains. WOW. I'm blown away by these ladies. THEY ARE AWESOME!
They are also launching with me on July 4th and maybe ride to OKC. WooHoo!!! I love these Angels!
TexasRedCConga III Ride for Breast Cancer
Brenda Fox!!
Omg!! We got on Brenda Fox's Facebook page, Please check it out!!! This is big time for the Conga, and big time for RLAP Please if you are reading this could you go to on FACEBOOK and make your comment about the Conga and RLAP. This could bring good things to the Conga and RLAP. Media, who know, maybe even some day Brenda would join the Conga and bring a line from California.. I know I am dreaming but that is what I do, and sometimes, dreams come true! Seriously, I am asking for your help. If we get media coverage, that means good things, more riders, more sponsors, more money to donate, to help kick Cancer to the Curb.
Who is Brenda Fox you say?? She is one hell of a woman!! Read below.. She not only is a hot biker chick, she too is fighting this horrific disease!

Come Conga with us...That irresistible rumble of the Conga is hard to ignore!! Go with the Flo
Join the Conga!! Ride pretty in pink have fun, and help with the cause, Kick it to the Kurb!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sassybiker Helmet up for auctions
This helmet is up on facebook for auction with all proceeds going to Breast Cancer. Donated by She gives us a helmet to donate every year in memory of her friend, who she lost last year,before she finished the helmet she was making for her. She also donates $25 from ever BC Helmet she makes to the cause. the bidding is up to $60 right now, and hopefully it at least goes for what it is worth, although I do know that not many folk have much money these days. So good luck to us! Thanks very much Char from!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bikes donated and up for auction
These adorable Breast Cancer bikes are up for bids on Facebook. One of my friends Katherine Goode Denman , whom I have never met I might add only spoken to over the years has donated these darlings to our Conga Breast Cancer Fund. Shees, I would like to buy everyone one for Conga 1, 2 and It is hard to contain myself. The bidding ends tomorrow at 6pm. Good luck to all, and thanks so much Katherine.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I recieved this this morning from a friend I have gotten to know on Facebook.
Miss Flo,
After becoming acquainted with you and some of the girls. It has just fascinated me at some of the things ya'll do.
Gussie's first round of cancer hit her around 1999-2000 and it was very scary. The first part of this attatchment. I wrote back then.
I updated it here recently and wanted to share it with you. I thought about putting it on line but not sure how. If you would,
Please read this story and let me know what you think and if some how it might help encourage others to see life is what
you make it.
Thank You,
So Very Much.
Charles Abbott
Cropwell, Alabama.
My wife and I moved to Fort Smith in the 1998 because of my job. While we were out there we discovered she had breast cancer. It was devastating. All our family lived in Alabama. Shortly after all her treatments we moved back to Alabama. I wrote an article that was published in the Wing World Magazine (GWRRA) about her and would like do an update on it.
This is the article below that was published in February 2002.
Good Therapy
I was reading some of the letters in the “P.O. Box” section [of the December issue]. When I read the one about “Mr B’s Big Day” I just wanted to share something with you.
My wife Gussie and I have been married for 26 years, and when we were younger we used to ride, but the last eight or nine years we stopped. About four years ago my job moved us from Alabama to Arkansas. Shortly after we moved, my wife found out that she had breast cancer. She had to go through several months of chemotherapy and radiation.
One summer, we came home for vacation and a friend of ours with two motorcycles insisted that Gussie and I take one for the day and go for a ride. It sure did bring back old memories! After we finished our vacation and started back to Arkansas, as we were riding along not saying much, my wife blurted out, “We need to get another motorcycle.” I never dreamed we would ever get another motorcycle. I asked her, “What brought that on?” She replied, “After going through my breast cancer, it has made me realize that you don’t know when your time may be up, and that life is too short not to do something that you enjoy.” She felt it might be good therapy for her and would help keep her mind occupied.
She wanted to get a new motorcycle, and we had always said that if we got another bike it would be a Gold Wing. We had never owned a Gold Wing before, but bought a new one in August 2000 and started riding again.
This last Christmas we came home to Alabama for the holidays and I was offered a great job opportunity. So we moved back to Alabama. Both of our families live here, and I felt it would be better for her if she was around family to help her get through her cancer.
I want you to know that buying that Gold Wing was the best thing that we have ever done. We have only about 12,000 miles on it, but the freedom you feel when you are out cruising the countryside and the mountains has been the best therapy for my wife. We have since bought a trailer and have been trying to attend some of the rallies. We just got settled in our house here and hope to go a lot more this next summer.
I am 47 and she is 45, so we plan on putting a lot of miles on this bike. Right now she is doing great, but you never know when or if her disease will ever come back. She is the love of my life and whatever I can do to make her happy and to enjoy the things she likes to do I will.
I am not a writer and I am not very good at putting words together. We have met a lot of new friends and I am thankful for friends and being a proud owner of our first Gold Wing. I am also proud and lucky to have such a wonderful wife. This has been the best therapy for her and me.
Charles Abbott. Jr. GWRRA #158250
Good Therapy/Great Therapy February 15, 2010
After getting settled here in Alabama I lost my right eye in 2004. I had a hard time getting used to it and My wife and I decided to get the bike Triked. We took it to Kentucky to the Hannigan factory and had it triked.
We enjoyed it very much and my wife felt more comfortable since we had three wheels under us.
In the Summer of 2006 we took a trip on the trike to Colorado Springs, Co. We had a great time and made a lot of new memories.
In the summer of 2007 we were going to take a trip to Martha’s Vineyard. Four days before we left I had a Quadruple By-pass. We were not able to make that trip.
In the summer of 2008 we were going to Utah when I had another Quadruple By-pass.
And had my mitro valve worked on. Didn’t make that trip either.
I had stints put in January 2009.
In January 2009 we bought my wife a 2000 Model Honda Shadow Spirit because she wanted to learn to ride. I thought this was great. I started talking to her about selling the trike and buying me another two wheel. I had been riding hers some and seemed to be used to not having my right eye. I told her that we were in another chapter in our lives and that the Gold Wing was good Therapy for her and the new Motorcycle would be good therapy for me getting over my heart surgeries. She agreed, So the first people that looked at the trike bought it. I decided I wanted to try a Harley Davidson so we went that day and bought a 2009 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic in June 2009. This was my first Harley.
I love it!
Well about the second week of July my wife found out she had breast cancer again. She had been cancer free for nine years. They had to do a double mastectomy and do the reconstruction and it has been an ordeal.
She has her last surgery March 8th 2010. She is doing good considering.
My doctor retired me but my wife still works. So now after all that it looks like the New Harley is going to be Therapy for the both of us. She should be able to start riding hers again about the 1st part of April. We plan on taking as many trips as we can this summer. Creating new memories. I am now 55 and she is 53. We have been married 35 years now.
I told her that one of my ambitions in life was to live long enough for us to wear the new Harley out. We have had the new Harley about 7 months and already have 6,000 Miles on it. The women who are riding the Conga to raise money for breast cancer research are really “Angels” in disguise on their “Iron Horses”. We have been thru the Dragon on the new Harley, but my wife hopes to be able to ride her Honda Shadow thru the Dragon this spring. We both want to live life like there is no tomorrow because you never know. I love her with all my heart, Mind, Body and Soul. She is my world, and the air that I breath.
Angels, You have my prayers, admiration, and best wishes. We just hope we get to met some of you one day.
Thanks Forever,
Charles Abbott
Cropwell, Alabama
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Conga III Show and Shine
This is what my friend Draggie has put together for the finale of the Conga III in August of this year. She says she cant go on the Conga this year due to school and work, but that does not hold her back. She is more than a little involved. She is a huge part of organizing the Conga. Not only the Show and Shine, but again, keeping track of whats going on , when, and where. She will be doing write ups for the news paper. BELT DRVE BETTY BDB is sponsoring the Conga III with continuing follow ups. Also the Dragon, may have another surprise for the Show and Shine, it is still in the works and discussions to see if we can do it. Which is sell tickets to a Motorcycle. We just have done the numbers yet to see if we can sell that amount of tickets.
At any rate I know this is going to be one heck of a Show and Shine, and finale to the fundraiser. We will have a representative there from the BC Society also.
Also Draggie is organizing a send of for us at Steve Dranes in Victioria at our Island Harley Davidson Dealership.
She will also be coming up to spend the night at my house the day before we leave, as she leads the pack in our pinkness doing the Conga all the way down Island picking up anyone who wants to jump in along the way. I think we have 15 confirmed Island riders to the Cheyenne, and more to jump in. I am thinking, hoping, that the ride down Island will be at least double.
Thankyou Draggie for all you do!!
At any rate I know this is going to be one heck of a Show and Shine, and finale to the fundraiser. We will have a representative there from the BC Society also.
Also Draggie is organizing a send of for us at Steve Dranes in Victioria at our Island Harley Davidson Dealership.
She will also be coming up to spend the night at my house the day before we leave, as she leads the pack in our pinkness doing the Conga all the way down Island picking up anyone who wants to jump in along the way. I think we have 15 confirmed Island riders to the Cheyenne, and more to jump in. I am thinking, hoping, that the ride down Island will be at least double.
Thankyou Draggie for all you do!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Chrome Angels Coming for sure
in support of Breast Cancer
The Southern leg of the ride will be led by Cindy aka Texas Red. The ride will depart from Strokers on July 4th. Watch this site for more details. They will be posted as they become available!

Sunday, July 4th - depart Strokers Dallas to OKC KSU 11:00 AM
Monday, July 5th - OKC to Amarillo (Dumas)
Tuesday, July 6th - Dumas to Monument, CO
Wednesday, July 7th - Cheyenne, WY
Thursday, July 8th Party at Maverick Motorsports!!! Conga, Conga, CONGA!

So anyone reading here is a Conga Line you can jump in at!! From Texas!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Draggie Stoked
Im so stoked, Jippo talked to me last night and said he was in the Timberlands pub a few weeks back and the new owners were just signing the papers. He said they were interested in hosting a show n shine and he gave them my name as a person who could help them out and get something going. He didn’t realize that we are planning this for the end of the conga.
I wanted to put something together before going out to find a venue and also to get donations for the trophies and such.
Well I started putting together the info slide show and this is what I got for 2 hours this morning, have to quit now and cram some more but I think it is looking pretty kewl.
What ya think????
From Idaho
We were thinking of riding from someplace in Idaho and continuing to Wyoming with your group.
I was wondering if you had your route panned out yet? If not, no big deal but once you have it firmed up if you could forward it to me that would be great. I know you will be very busy during the ride but if I could get updates some way as to your groups progress along the way I could coordinate a location for our Idaho Delegation to meet you.
I am very excited about this and would like to post Conga III Idaho Delegation as a Facebook "event". Right now we only have a few riders but posting it as an event I fele I could generate much more interest. So I am respectfully asking for permission, advise and guidance on this.
I really would like to meet up in such a way that neither of us has to "wait around" for the other out on the highway.
I am usually pretty good at this type of thing, the activity of intersepting a motorcycle group on the highway but this will be my first multi state interception. I frequently get the timing down to minutes between groups hundreds of miles away from eachother and like I said I don't want either of us "waiting around".
Once I have the exact route it will be easier and with a little "day of the ride" communication this will be much easier and worst case scenario we meet up when your group stops for the night somewhere.
I am pretty sure I am on the Women who ride rock page so I will check there for information.
At this time I feel it prudent to REFRAIN from creating a Facebook Event to avoid confusion for the time being but I will need to organise something at some point to generate interest in an Idaho Delegation. I'll think of the best way to approach this.
Thank you for bringing me into the loop and up to speed, best regards. O.Thank you for your time, best regards, respectfully. Owen Moss
Steel horse Sisters
My name is Colleen Maloney and I am the President of a woman's motorcycle riding group called Steel Horse Sisters. We are located in Massachusetts. I found your information on facebook on the Women Who Ride Rock site and was hoping to help with your conga line. Is it possible to have one start here and eventually meet you somewhere in the middle. I doubt any of my girls can ride to Wyoming but I'd love to give at least one leg a boost - do you have other states that want to join but no one to connect with ??
Let me know what we can do to help !
Steel Horse Sisters
Let me know what we can do to help !
Steel Horse Sisters
Hi FLO....
I'm Angie Graves from Shelbyville TN
I am a member of the Motor Maids, oldest women's organized riding group....check us out on the web
We are having our 70th Annual Convention in Cody Wyoming this year....we will start to gather July 5th at the Comfort Inn in Cody (307-587-5544) we will be here until Friday morning....We usually have a parade through town on Wed or Thursday....and banquet on Thursday night....I would really love for our two groups to meet up....It would really be awesome as we have several members that are breast cancer survivors and some that are going through it now.
What you are doing is AWESOME!! What a great legacy you are creating......
I do not know how far Cheyenne is from Cody (pretty far knowing my luck) but any wazs thought it would be cool to meet up with you gals....
Angie aKa "SHINE"
Jack & Angie Graves
Keepin' our 'neeze in the breeze
and the air in our hair
Keepin' our 'neeze in the breeze
and the air in our hair
Behind the scenes!!
I thought it would be interesting to post some of the private emails I get behind the scenes. It is over whelming sometimes. I wish I could remember every ones names and where they are from. It sure would be nice to remember it all, so I am going to start posting stuff.
I am so excited to learn about Women Who Ride and Rock!
I befriended you all on face-book. Then I came to you website and read the stories! How exciting. The story about riding back from Florida, brand new rider on a brand new bike with all these women helping you literary brought tears to my eyes. This is really great! I would love to be a part of it. I am in South Louisiana and ride with a girl in Florida occasionally at rallys. Do you all attend any bike events (Daytona Bike week, New Orleans Bike Week)? And last, but definitely not least, is there any of the group by me? Or riding this way?
Flo shared your email. Probably because I'm a new rider as well and I'm so enthusiastic about it. I use words like affirming, empowering, rewarding, etc. All that for my bike and riding, but I can also use those same words for each and every rider I've met. Isn't that awesome! Please 'Friend' me on FB and go see my stuff. You can also look see my progress via my blog:
I highly encourage you to get the Ride like a Pro DVD for use at home. Also, attend training with the Palladino's in Florida. It will be worth every penny. I can say this because on May 15 I took the MSF course and got my endorsement. I had never ridden a motorcycle. I did have a year on a 49cc scooter, which does not count as the dynamics are so different than a 600+ pound bike with a manual transmission. Mid June, Flo contacted me with info that she found THE bike for me. I trust her, so wired money from my hometown, Wenatchee Washington, to Campbell River, Vancouver Island, British Colombia CANADA!! Crazy, I know!! :) I purchased a Yamaha V-Star 1100cc custom. So I went from a 125cc trainer in May to 1100cc at the end of June! I could do this because Flo used the RLAP techniques to start me on my bike. We did good! I only wish that I could have spent more time with Flo to gain a few more skills before I trailered my bike home. This spring, I hope to take an advanced riders course that will firmly create an outstanding foundation of skills. In my opinion, new riders are lucky - in that they may start out correctly and gain miles more safely than those folks that have ridden forever with crappy skills. That's my opinion and others might think differently, but you should hear the comments of the guys I ride with at work. They can't believe I got such a big bike, that I handle it well enough for so few miles under my butt, etc.
I encourage you to start a blog and post your rides and progress. It's a neat thing to look back at what you thought was really hard and to now have it be a rote item.
I highly encourage you to get the Ride like a Pro DVD for use at home. Also, attend training with the Palladino's in Florida. It will be worth every penny. I can say this because on May 15 I took the MSF course and got my endorsement. I had never ridden a motorcycle. I did have a year on a 49cc scooter, which does not count as the dynamics are so different than a 600+ pound bike with a manual transmission. Mid June, Flo contacted me with info that she found THE bike for me. I trust her, so wired money from my hometown, Wenatchee Washington, to Campbell River, Vancouver Island, British Colombia CANADA!! Crazy, I know!! :) I purchased a Yamaha V-Star 1100cc custom. So I went from a 125cc trainer in May to 1100cc at the end of June! I could do this because Flo used the RLAP techniques to start me on my bike. We did good! I only wish that I could have spent more time with Flo to gain a few more skills before I trailered my bike home. This spring, I hope to take an advanced riders course that will firmly create an outstanding foundation of skills. In my opinion, new riders are lucky - in that they may start out correctly and gain miles more safely than those folks that have ridden forever with crappy skills. That's my opinion and others might think differently, but you should hear the comments of the guys I ride with at work. They can't believe I got such a big bike, that I handle it well enough for so few miles under my butt, etc.
I encourage you to start a blog and post your rides and progress. It's a neat thing to look back at what you thought was really hard and to now have it be a rote item.
What an inspiration you are!! This is great! I do want to FB you. What name do I find you under?
And yes, I do need skills! I rode a dirt bike as a kid and my first motorcycle was a 750 Honda but I only had it for a few short months. I did take the Riders course and have my license, but I would love to know more and ride like a PRO! I want to take an advanced course as well.
I am working on a blog as we speak for my website. That is one of the many new things I want to do in 2010 with my site. Any ideas or constructive critism is welcome.
I will check out your blog!
Thanks again, you guys are GREAT!!
Women Who Ride Conga III (Raising money for Breast Cancer)
What is a Conga you say???
A Conga line is merely a group of Bikers that ride with each other, going with the Flo from state to state or province to province. You can join the Conga and ride for a mile or two, or a state or two...or more!!Likely the line will fall apart here and there, but has been known to have many join and different places especially at the end.
That irresistible rumble of Motorcycle Conga is hard not to join in on the fun!!
The idea of the Conga came about when I bought my first Harley Davidson, from Ride Like a Pro in Hudson, Florida. Florida is kitty corner across the continent from Vancouver Island where I live. Almost 6,000 miles if you go the scenic route. Being as I get lost in parking lots in my own home town, I knew riding it home wasn't an option.
I had a dream... that I flew to Florida, met some of the gals on the forum, took the Ride Like a Pro Course and Rode the Tail of the Dragon and found my way home.
I told Donna from Women Who Ride and the Ladies from Vancouver Island Lady Riders ... and the enabling began!!
Donna said...Great, I will pick you up at the Tampa Bay Airport, you will stay with us for a week until you are comfortable on your bike, we will escort you out in the right direction. To make a long story short, women from many states, rode with me, took me into their homes, fed me, and escorted me off to the next bunch of women. Most of us meeting in person for the very first time. I never rode one single mile alone. What a Conga Line!!
At the last minute, I decided to do it for a cause. Friends were paying me so much a state that I hit. Needless to say, I snagged the corners of a few extra with my new found friends. I raised $1,700 for Cancer in memory of my motorcycle instructor, Rod Wiseman.
And so began the Congas...
Conga II started out to be a Reunion...Get all those women together and it's a full blown Conga Line, from Sea to Shining Sea!! Raising $12,000.00 for Breast Cancer.
Conga III is being discussed a few short months after the Conga II ended in July /09.
We are well underway, with rooms booked for a MIM (meet in the middle) in Cheyenne, Wyoming July 8 2010!!
So if you think you would like to go with Flo and do the Conga please contact us here
Ride for as long as you want, start your own little Conga line, with Women Who Ride in your area and make a trip of a life time!!
Book your holidays now, it is only less than 5 months from now! Riding for a cause even makes it more special!!
Here is the link to get involved if you would like to jump in on the Conga line, any where along the way. Even if you come to say hello as we pass through your fine town. Whether you are a rider or a Spirit Rider, we would love to have you come along.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hello Krissie,
Donna Palladino here from Ride Like a Pro. I saw reference to your site on Facebook and wanted to send in a couple pictures of me and my buddy Tannis (Flo) Fuhr riding our Harley’s through one of Ride Like a Pro course exercises, the Offset Cone Weave. We LOVE riding our Harley’s. Although Flo lives in Canada and I live in Florida, she is my best friend. We met a couple years ago when she bought my 2005 Road King Classic. We started the Conga for Breast Cancer rides in 2008. Last year, we raised over 12,500.00 for Breast Cancer. We will also be doing our Ride Like a Pro rider skills demonstration in Cheyenne for the riders at Maverick Motorsports. You should join us!!
This July, we are doing it all over again. Women from our Women Who Ride forum, Vancouver Island Lady Rider forum and Facebook pages will be riding from Canada and the USA and meet in Cheyenne, Wyoming for our ride for the cure again this year. Thanks for what you do, fantastic pictures on your site.
Thanks in advance for your time,
Donna Palladino
Ride Like a Pro, Inc.
-Ride Safe... Ride Like a Pro Team
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