We were on our way to Jerome, Arizona. On the way we stopped at as many little place like this one. Sadly this was in recievership, but it still it was worth stopping for to sit in the shade and remember days gone by.
Imagine driving through miles and miles of scenery like this. Magnificent!! The roads were really twisty too.

All of a sudden Wilbur pulls off to the side of the road, and says...we missed Jerome.. Fancy looks at him and said...oh well, by Jerome. Wilbur starts to beg us to go back. Me, I was into it...but I could tell by the look on Fancy's face, it was a no go!! She said, no problem, you two go, I will meet in the next town. She was pretty exhausted, after all the roads we had just done were for no wussy's....lol Wilbur gets off his bike and starts to plead... Please Fancy!! NOPE she said. I then knew that it was time to let her go, her limit and comfort zone had gone done and left her. I just gave her my smirk, and said you know it is not that faraway, and he really really wants to. Wilbur bats his blue eyes, come on Fancy, you can do it, I will even turn your bike around for you. No, she said, I will turn my own bike around, let's just do it... Gaad dang Fuhr Factor, the things they make me do... I cracked up and told her she would have no problem after doing Mnt Evans.. This would be childs play....WRONG!!
We go riding through Jerome and one street town basically, just follow Wilbur. I knew we were in trouble when he did a left and turn where it said, no left turn... Oh crap, no vehicles coming, if he can do it, I can do it. Snapped my head looking way up the mountain, made the turn alright, right onto a coble stone walk with dirt in the middle. All I could think of us..Frack...she aint going to make it, cause I am hating it right now. Thank God, I know that old friction zone. I was cursing my brother under my lips and all I could think about is how is she doing. I was pretty sure my brother was going to have to go get her. I pulled over where it was safe to do so. Looked behind me and there she was, she had gone around the proper way to get a run at it with out having to do that WICKED U-turn
I was laughing my head of going up that mountain thinking, there is not a hope in hell the Fuhr Factor is going to get away with out a lecture from the Princess! It was a nervous laugh. Im thinking or great.. now we got to back the dang thang, into gravel. We were well done by then and had the same thing on our minds Fancy and I. We got to the top... put down the kickstand, turned off the bike, and all we had to do look at Wilbur and he knew his Cabana Boy duties were about to kick into gear. In the meantime, we could not believe what we just accomplished again. We even made the poor boy bring up our bags for putting us through that because we as Queen and Princess decided we were not going back down it today.
It was a cool place after all. I used to be a hotel and apparently many many people died for wierd reasons. There was also a restaurant called the Asylum, so that sounded great place to unwind, as we had decided we really were insane.
We got all cleaned up to go for dinner. Wilbur didn't want to wear his hair that night so we told him seeing sit was such a special evening we were dining in an asylum, he must wear his pink tie that we blinged up for him.. yup Swartz crystals and all!!He was used to us by now, I mean really if he can wear pink ponytails why do you have a problem with pink, blingy tie, lol
Relaxing in the Asylum. A pinkless night pretty much.
It's all good except for the fact we have all forgotten how to tie a tie. No problem he wore it anyway.

Here is our waiter. Boy did he have a story to tell. First off he says to Wilbur... Oh wow man,do I love your tie buddy. I just so love it. There was my cue time to do a little fundraising. This guy loves it, he will sure donate. I said to him, you know if you were to offer him something for the tie, and all the monies will go to Breast Cancer Research. He smiled and went to get us our drinks. I told Wilbur and Fancy while he was gone, we will get him to donate you watch!! WRONG!! He came back and said you know I really wish I could afford to by your tie, it is absolutely the coolest tie, I have ever seen. He began tell us he had his first Chemo treatment that day for Breast Cancer. We could not believe what we were hearing. The doctors told him if he had left it two more days he would have been a gonner. he said his partner notice one day that his breast had just folded in half.. Omg, we all looked at each other reading each others mind. Bro started loosing his tie, Fancy and I just looked at each other with watery eyes. We all knew we had to give this man the tie. He was just elated, told us he would were it all the time. We told him to at least wear it till we get home, and please know we are riding for you too. The next time he came out to serve our food, he had the biggest darn grin on his face. It certainly made ours!!